Wilcza kolacja

Breakfast at Bartek's family

24. March 2023| Wolf monitoring, Wolf protection, Wolf Bartek, Poland, Wolf TripBreakfast at Bartek's family What is the wolf family from the Niekłańskie Forests doing? A few weeks ago, when it snowed a bit, we were able to track it down.……

Wilki Czerwony Most

Wolves from Bartek's family - Czerwony Most

19. February 2023| Wolf Bartek, Wolf protection, Movies, Poland, Wildlife conservationWolves from Bartek's family - Czerwony Most The wolves of Bartek’s family – will a reserve be created around them?…

Wilk Bartek bobrowisko

More protection for the territory of the wolf Bartek!

27. January 2023| Movies, Poland, Wolf Bartek, Wolf protectionMore protection for the territory of the wolf Bartek! On Thursday, January 26, we participated in a meeting on the protection of the source area of the Czarna Konecka River.……

A wolf without a paw

29. September 2022| Wolf protection, Wolf Bartek, Movies, PolandA wolf without a paw In August one of our photo-traps recorded a wolf without a rear left foot. The registered individual…