13. December 2019|In Hippo Protection, Species protection

Draught in Botswana: SAVE helps feeding Wildlife

Climate change and global warming are a tangible reality in Botswana. For the Wildlife they mean suffering thirst and hunger.

Climate change and global warming are a tangible reality in Botswana. For the Wildlife they mean suffering thirst and hunger. More than 120 Hippos got stuck in a waterhole in the Nxaraga community. Besides managing the water supply in the area, SAVE employees fed the Wildlife within the last weeks.

Executive Director Lars Gorschlueter recently visited Botswana in order to get a personal impression of the whole situation and SAVE Botswana’s aid activities. 46.000 liters of water per 10 hours are pumped into the waterhole powered by solar energy. Additionally and as emergency aid, the Hippos are fed with tons of hay that was delivered by Willie De Graaff, a farmer in the area and longtime supporter of SAVE Botswana. An unbelievable scenery as these are free-living wild animals.