
Black wolves on our photo traps!

Our camera traps have recorded unusual wolves - black ones! This is an…

Winter monitoring of wolf families – summary

Summary of winter monitoring of wolf families from the southern part of…

Another round of field research on wolf diet

Beginning in December 2023, we are conducting another series of studies…

Comic NiezłyWilk – the wolf Wiciu presents!

The launch of the educational project NiezłyWilk (NotBadWolf). A comic…

Wolf damage in Subcarpathia in 2023

A summary of damage caused by wolves and incidents involving them in the…

Wolf families in the southern part of the Świętokrzyskie region

In the summer and autumn of 2023, we searched for signs of the presence of…


On the weekend of September 23-24, 2023, there was a two-day meeting of…

Forest workshops with the wolves!

In May and June, our foundation is carrying out an original project "Get…

Wolves from Augustowska Forest

Drinking water from the river, rolling in dead fish, taking a quick pee,…

Spring in the Świętokrzyska Forest!

In the spring, in the beautiful Świętokrzyska Forest, we continue counting…

“Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence” conference

On 30.03-1.04 we had the pleasure of participating in an international…

Breakfast at Bartek’s family

A few weeks ago, when some snow fell, we managed to track down the family…

In search of Geralt the wolf

Na przełomie lutego i marca udaliśmy się na wschód w poszukiwaniu wilka…

Vlk Gagat returned to the Sudetes

After two months in the Žďárské vrchy, Gagat has returned to the Sudetes.…

The most interesting animal shots – Daleszyce Forests 2022

The four seasons in the Daleszyckie Forest. The most interesting videos…

Menu of vlk Gagat in the Czech Republic

Gagat has been in the Ždiar Mountains for about two months now. Our Czech…

About wolves in Mircze

During our visit to lubelskie we conducted 2 meetings about wolves for the…

Polish-Czech wolf. Collaboration with Hnutí DUHA Šelmy

We track wolf Gagat together with a Czech organization focused on…

Meeting about wolves in CKI Michniów

On February 24, we visited the Education and Integration Center in…

A hit wolf near the Świętokrzyski National Park

On February 21, ŚNP employees informed us about finding a wolf hit by a…

Donate 1,5% to the wolves!

Don't forget about us by filling in your PIT - donate 1.5% of your tax to…

Wolves from Bartek’s family – Czerwony Most

Footage of wolves from the Bartek wolf family, in whose territory a new…

About wolves on “Wolf expedition” in Bieszczady Mountains

We visited the Bieszczady Mountains to tell participants in the "Wolf…

Where is Geralt?

Unfortunately, we don't have good news. The wolf Geralt is missing, his…

Trip – three-legged wolf

The further fate of the three-legged wolf - how is he doing?

More protection for the territory of the wolf Bartek!

We participated in a meeting on the protection of the headwaters area of…

Geralt the wolf photographed!

The Mircze Forest District has recently posted a photo of a wolf with a…

A new place for wolf meetings in the Daleszyce Forests

This fall, we managed to find a new meeting place (the so-called…

Geralt settled in the east?

Geralt the wolf has stopped running further east - is this the end of his…

How we record a wolf howl

A test of a new microphone, which we used to record the howl of a wolf…

Gagat did not pass over A4, but… under!

A few days ago we had the opportunity to check how Gagat managed to…

Marking by wolves – a family from the Iłża Forest

Wolves leave scent marks on the paths they follow as they patrol their…

Wolf Gagat visits the Czech Republic

After leaving Prague, Gagat turned back east in further search for a…

Wolf damage in Podkarpacie in 2022

Summary of damage caused by wolves in 2022 in the Podkarpackie…

Gagat’s visit to Prague, Czech Republic

The Polish wolf continues to explore the Czech Republic. He recently…

Gagat crossed the Sudetes

Gagat, a young wolf with a GPS collar who embarked on the journey of a…

Gagat the wolf has crossed the A4!

After several weeks of search for passage, the wolf managed to cross the…

Geralt of the Hog Lake (Wieprzowe Jezioro)

After a renewed stay in Ukraine, the wolf Geralt has returned to the…

Gagat wolf blocked by A4 freeway

After crossing the A1 highway, Gagat continued his trek in a southwesterly…

About wolves at school in Szerzawy

Wolves appeared near the school in Szerzawy, so we decided to visit the…

A lesson on wolves at the Rej School in Kielce

A wolf lesson at an elementary school in Kielce, where Roman Gula told…

Geralt in America

For the past 2 weeks, the wolf Geralt did not idle - he continued to…

Meeting for children in the “Zameczek”

The meeting about wolves was held by the head of our wolf project - Dr.…

A lesson on wolves at a school in Kielce

Last Friday, 18.11. we hosted a visit to Kielce Elementary School No. 1.

Gagat crossed the A1 highway

After a few days of wandering from his native Świętokrzyska Forest, the…

Growing up wolf pups from the Daleszyce Forests

Summer and autumn of the wolf family from Daleszyce captured on our photo…

Gagat set out into the world

Until now, Gagat has been wandering in the forests near the Świętokrzyska…

Geralt the wolf has returned to Poland!

After two weeks in Ukraine, the wolf Geralt returned to Poland doing a…

Is the wolf Geralt coming back?

The wolf Geralt started heading towards the Polish-Ukrainian border

Geralt’s journey – heading for Lviv

The wolf Geralt in his journey through Ukraine bounced south, straight to…

Geralt the wolf has crossed the border into Ukraine

Geralt the wolf has already traveled 300km from his home Świętokrzyska…

Geralt has reached Janowskie Forest

Geralt the wanderer, a wolf in the process of dispersal, has already…

Gagat the wolf on the trail of dinosaurs

Gagat the wolf on the trail of dinosaurs - a visit to the Gagaty…

Wolf Geralt crosses the Vistula river!

The wolf Geralt in the course of his journey overcame the largest Polish…

Geralt the wolf headed east!

The wolf Geralt set off in search of home toward Poland's eastern border.

15.10. “Neighborly with wolves” in Skarżysko-Kamienna

An educational meeting "In the neighborhood with wolves" will be held in…

Autumn meeting of the wolf team

As we do every year at the beginning of autumn, we held a reunion of our…

A wolf without a paw

Our photo trap recorded a wolf without a hind foot, the loss of which is…

On the track of Geralt – September’s “Wolf Workshop”

During our September field workshop we went on the trail of one of the…

April pups from the Chmielnik forest district

Foresters from the forestry division Chmielnik gave us a photo of small,…

Trichuriasis in wolves

We examined wolf feces for parasitology - we found parasites in most of…

Wolf song

Using a special microphone and recorder, we were able to record the…

Wolves and moose – testing prey

Our photo trap recorded a wolf following a female moose with her young at…

August “Wolf Workshop”

In the second half of August, a full-day "Wolf Workshop" was held in the…

A lecture on wolves in Koło

A lecture on wolves and conservation at a family picnic in Koło.

Literary competition results

A lot of great works were submitted to our competition "Alternative Little…

Geralt’s and Gagat’s parents need help?

Two wolves monitored by us unexpectedly and suddenly returned to their…

Wolves on beaver dams

Wolves use the dams built by beavers in many ways. Our photo trap recorded…

Wolf Geralt in the national park?

Wolf Geralt, tracked by us using GPS data, is more and more often hanging…

Eight wolf puppies in Lasy Przysuskie!

In the Barycz forest district, the photo-trap registered as many as 8 wolf…

“Alternative Little Red Riding Hood” literary competition

Literary competition - an alternative story of Little Red Riding Hood and…

Has Geralt found his place..?

The wolf Geralt is apparently slowly finding his place to live.

We help Ukrainian animals!

Another shipment of pet food for Ukrainian pets will be launched soon.

Summary of the conference “Wolves rendez-vous 2022”

On June 3, 2022, a popular science conference on wolves was held. Almost…

A new generation of wolves from the Świętokrzyska Forest

Surprise during routine wolf monitoring.

Geralt and Gagat – the brothers’ journey

When we traced the steps of the two wolves we collared, we noticed that…

WOLF RENDEZ-VOUS 2022 conference – registration!

On June 3, on Friday, a wolf popular science conference will be held near…

A she-wolf from the Ilzecka Forest in the family way!

Na nasze foto-pułapki nagrała się przyszła wilcza mama. Na filmie widać,…

Meeting with children in Marcinkow

On April 12 we led a nature meeting about wolves and ecology at the…

A wolf in Ponidzie

We received information from the foresters of Pinczow Forest District…

About wolves during the “Night of the Owls”

During the "Night of the Owls" organized in Leśnica, we also had the…

Gagat – the fifth element

We have trapped the fifth wolf from the Swietokrzyskie Forest!

Geralt’s wandering anxiety

Geralt is still wandering around looking for a partner. We were able to…

Young she-wolf killed on S7

A young she-wolf was killed on the S7 road as it attempted to cross the…

A dead wolf in the Lublin region

On Sunday, April 10, we received a report of a dead wolf in the forest…

Summary of winter in the forests of Daleszyce

During the winter of 2021/2022, we continued to monitor a wolf family from…

Jackals, the mini-wolves

Golden jackal, a mini-wolf, is a new species in the fauna of Poland. He…

Wolves with symptoms of scabies

In January this year we registered for the first time three wolves with…

Autumn in Daleszyce forest

Summary of wolf monitoring from Daleszyce forests.

Meeting about wolves in Skarżysko-Kamienna

On February 20 an educational meeting about wolves took place in…

Wolf attacks on livestock in Podkarpacie – 2021 report

The report from 2021 clearly shows that the level of damage caused by…

1% for wolves!

Help us protect wolves and forest ecosystems!

Wolf educational meeting – Skarżysko-Kamienna 20.02.

Meet Geralt the wolf and his family living in the woods around…

Wolf researcher’s workday

One day of field work in our wolf monitoring project.

January “Wolf workshop” report

On Saturday, January 15th, our foundation organised the second "Wolf…

We are on Instagram!

Our Foundation SAVE started on Instagram - join us!

Interview with the head of the wolf project

The secrets of a scientist's work and the whole truth about wolves.

Wolf workshop

On 18th December in Puszcza Swietokrzyska, we organized a "wolf workshop"…

Wolf year 2021 – photo trap footage

The year 2021 is coming to an end. These twelve months have been a very…

Wolves and their prey on trail crossings

As we wrote in the note "Wolves and their prey on crossing trails" of 14…

Wolves in the Daleszyckie Forest

During summer and autumn, we again managed to confirm the presence of the…

Wolf Geralt

On 16th of November, we managed to catch a fourth wolf in the…

Scyzor is lost

In late October, we reported that the wolf Scyzor had found a crossing on…

“Why should we protect the nature?” – art competition in the GOTEC company

As part of our cooperation with the GOTEC company, we encouraged the…

Bartek and his six pups

All 6 pups of Bartek and his partner survived and seem to be in good…

Wolves are still present in the Lagow Forestry

The presence of 4 wolves was recorded in the Lukawa forestry area. In this…

Scyzor found a crossing on an A1 freeway

In August, we wrote about wolf Scyzor's wanders to the southwest. He was…

Educational meeting about wolves in the VanityStyle company

Last Tuesday on 12.10, Roman Gula and Artur Milanowski from the SAVE…

Meeting of the SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund team

Volunteers participating in our wolf project gathered in a small town near…

Wolf workshop in the Izerskie Mountains, WILKnet

On September 25th, a field workshop was held in the area of the Izerskie…

The she-wolf from Daleszyce was shot

In our note of 29th January, we wrote about a dead she-wolf found with a…

Wolf attacks in Podkarpacie

We published data on damage caused by wolves to livestock and farm animals…

Scyzor is on the move

Scyzor, a young male wolf caught in May this year, was moving around…

Results of a study on wolf resting site selection

In Forest Ecology and Management, we published the results of a study…

What do Poles think about wolves?

Since 1998 wolves have been under strict protection. How does our society…

Lesson about wolves in Ciechow

We work with schools to familiarize students with the biology and ecology…

What do we know about the wolf Bartek and his new family?

About 2 weeks after birth, wolf Bartek's pups were relocated to another…

Scyzor – next wolf with a telemetry collar from the Świętokrzyska Primeval Forest

On May 24, a team of biologists from the SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund…

Busy Bartek

In the note from February 14, we wrote that Bartek found a partner and…

Wolves in the Swietokrzyskie Region – report no. 9

Our report ‘Wolves in the Swietokrzyskie region’ is now available! It…

Winter tracking of wolves in the Świętokrzyskie region

The snow conditions last winter were favorable for wolf tracking. The…

Attack on farm animals in Wola Łagowska

On March 30 we received information from the Łagów Forest District about a…

Parents from the Ilzecka Forest

This year's winter allowed me to quite accurately count the wolves in the…

The next wolf died on the road

Wolves in the Augustów Primeval Forest change the ranges of their…

Wolf’s Way

As I wrote in the note from February 10, after the snowfall, I managed to…

Wolf Valentine’s Day

Bartek, the wolf that we caught and provided with a telemetry collar at…

Winter tracking east of S7

Every winter, we look forward to snowfalls that would allow us to track…

She-wolf killed in a snare in the area of the Daleszyce Forest District

On January 18, I was informed by an employee of the Daleszyce Forest…

Damages by wolves in Podkarpacie in 2020

In the second half of 2020 (July 1 - December 31), there were 96 wolf…

Bartek the Wanderer

In the note from December 21, we mentioned that Bartek - a young male…

Bartek – a wolf from the Świętokrzyska Forest

On Monday, November 30, we managed to catch the second wolf this year.…

168 hippos saved!

Seven wolves from Lipie

In the note from October 7, we wrote about the wolves from the Lipie…

New information about wolves from Lipie

We have been monitoring wolves in the Lipie forest complex for several…

Pups in Przysuskie Forests

Corona Survival Packages

Wolves in the Bieszczady National Park

In the latest issue of Roczniki Bieszczadzkie we have published the…

Wolves among the fields

The forest complex located to the north-east of Iłża is part of the…

Wolves in Stara Dąbrowa

This summer, I had the opportunity to study wolves in a very charming…

Podkarpacie – damage to livestock in the first half of 2020

In the first half of 2020, there were 47 wolf attacks on the farm and…

Pups in the Lipie forest complex

We recently wrote about the wolves recorded in the Lipie complex in the…

Wolves in the Kozienice Forest

A spokeswoman for RDLP Radom informed us about the presence of wolves in…

Wolf’s lair

The memory of winter

Bartek’s offspring

Hares and wolves

Our photo-trap installed in the Iłżecka Forest recorded an interesting…

Jaga didn’t manage