Wolf year 2021 - photo trap footage
The year 2021 is coming to an end. These twelve months have been a very productive time for us, in which we have managed to collar two more wolves (Scyzor and Geralt), we engaged new people that joined the Fund, we updated our website, and published many informative and educational notes, posts, and videos about wolves.
We hope that in the next year, we will further develop our monitoring program in the Świętokrzyskie region.
We would also like to wish you many successes, prosperity and fulfillment of all your wishes in the coming year! May the new year bring peace and hope. We would like to thank you for supporting our Fund and we hope that in the coming year we will still be able to count on your support!
As a summary of our monitoring efforts, please see a compilation of photo trap videos presenting wolves from our region.
And what did 2021 look like for us in numbers?
– Number of people involved: 12
– Number of hours spent in the field: approximately 3220 hours
– Number of km our team drove during wolf tracking: about 9000 km
– Number of wolves monitored: 10 families/waters, about 60-70 wolves
– Number of telemetric tracks: approx. 6000
– Number of wolves collared: 3 (Bartek since November 2020, Scyzor since May 2021, Geralt since November 2021)
– Number of wolf droppings collected for diet analyses: 182
– Number of hours of footage from photo traps: approximately 1 hour of footage where wolves were recorded
– Monitoring area: approximately 5000 km2
– Number of published reports, publications: 2 (project report in 2020, article ‘Wolves under cover: The importance of human-related factors in resting site selection in a commercial forest’)
Author: Magda Strzała