More protection for the territory of the wolf Bartek!
This area, customarily called Czerwony Most (The Red Bridge) and characterized by high natural values, is located in the Przysucha Forest District – in the territory of the Bartek wolf family.
The meeting was organized on the initiative of the Stowarzyszenie Przyrodników Ostoja (Association of Naturalists Ostoja), by the Przysucha Forest District. It was also attended by representatives of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom and the Towarzystwo Badań i Ochrony Przyrody (The Society for Research and Conservation of Nature).
There was a consensus among the participants on the natural value of the area and the legitimacy of its protection. During the meeting, we discussed the possibility of expanding protection, both by modifying forest management plans and implementing area protection. Another meeting on this issue is planned for March, this time in the field, in the Czerwony Most area.
We invite you to watch a short video showing a bird’s-eye view of a section of our wolf Bartek’s territory, which, in addition to wolves, is also home to numerous beavers!
*Bartek is a wolf who was fitted with a telemetry collar by our Foundation 2 years ago. In 2021 Bartek found a partner and got puppies.
Author: Roman Gula