Comic NiezłyWilk - the wolf Wiciu presents!

The launch of the educational project NiezłyWilk (NotBadWolf). A comic book story about growing up and the life of the wolf Wiciu!

Meet the wolf Wiciu! 😃🐺

Wiciu is a wolf pup who is slowly growing up and learning what it’s like to be a wolf. Together with him, we too will wander wolf paths and see the world from a wolf’s perspective for the next year, and maybe longer. Follow along with us Wiciu’s adventures presented in the form of amusing comic strips by Wiktor Tabak – we promise it will be fun!

➡ Wicked Wolf 💛

Wiciu is the main character of the joint project NieZłyWilk “Not Bad Wolf” of three wildlife organizations: SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund, Jelenie w terenie (Deer in the Field) and Praca Przyrodnika (Naturalist’s Work). The idea for the project was born from one simple thought: is the wolf bad? Browsing the sensation-chasing media, one may sometimes think so. However, the answer is different: the wolf is not bad, nor is it good, it’s just… itself, an element of nature, and tries to survive each day just like us.

🐾 The aim of the campaign is first and foremost to show wolves as they really are. We want to reverse the bad trend of presenting untrue, harmful information about these predators, which has increased in recent times. The bad image of wolves is most often due to ignorance about them.

🐾 As naturalists fascinated by wolves, their familial bonds, incredible senses and instincts, we don’t want to keep this fascination only to ourselves. We want to share it, our knowledge, our insights. Through the project “Not a Bad Wolf” we will try to present in a light, accessible way information about the biology and ecology of wolves, about their life and the problems they experience due to their close proximity to humans. With the help of amusing illustrations we will try to encourage you to look at the world through wolf eyes. We will dispel myths about these fascinating animals, and instead present facts that are the result of years of careful observation and scientific research.

🐾 Explore the world together with Wiciu! We encourage you to follow the fate of our wolf pup, who will become a more serious wolf over time, and share it with others! 🌲🌳

🖌 Author of the comic: Wiktor Tabak –