Has Geralt found his place..?
GPS data from Geralt’s collar suggests that this young wolf may have finally found a place to live!
For months he wandered the woods around Skarżysko-Kamienna intensively searching for a partner and suitable conditions for a home. Did he finally succeed?
We followed Geralt’s steps closely when, in February of this year, he dared to briefly wander east (across the S7 route) further than usual. He did so again only in early April. At that time, he arrived in the Siekierzynski Forest, which he explored for several days until something prompted him to make the sudden decision to return to his family home in a flash. He then ran through a nearby village in the middle of the day, something that had not happened to him before. Did something startle him? Maybe people, maybe other wolves?
After this sudden return to his family, for a long time Geralt did not go on any further wanderings. Until the second half of May, when he once again gathered his courage and set out into the world.
This time he wandered a bit further south, to the Pasmo Klonowskie. He spent 2 weeks in the forests there, made a brief foray into the Swietokrzyskie National Park, and returned again to his family in the wilderness west of the S7. However, only for a while, perhaps to say goodbye? Just a few days later, he crossed the S7 again and went to the same area of the Pasmo Klonowskie as before, staying there until now – apparently he finally found the right conditions to settle there. Or maybe he met a she-wolf with whom he plans to start a new family…?
We will try to find out by tracking down Geralt and checking his locations in the field. What will we find at the site? Maybe the tracks of two wolves wandering together imprinted in the mud…?
Stay tuned for more news about Geralt’s fate!
Author: Joanna