8. March 2023| Wolf protection, Wolf Gagat

Vlk Gagat returned to the Sudetes

After two months in the Žďárské vrchy, Gagat returned to the Sudetes.

As we wrote previously, the tracks of our Czech colleagues from the Hnutí DUHA Šelmy organisation indicated, that Gagat was alone. He may therefore have returned to the Sudetes in search of the partner.

This is the last chance for Gagat this year. The oestrus in wolves falls in the second half of February and is already coming to an end. Reproductive wolf families are recorded in the Sudetes, so perhaps Gagat is hoping that there is a better chance of meeting a mate in this region. However, being in the families’ territories comes with risks. Wolves are sometimes aggressive towards strangers, and sometimes such clashes end in the death of lone individuals.

Author: Roman Gula