Trichuriasis in wolves
As part of our monitoring of wolves in the Świętokrzyskie region, we collected samples of wolf feces in several forest complexes for parasitological testing.
We found parasites in most of the samples we examined, and the most common of these was Trichuris vulpis. We identified the eggs of this parasite in the feces of wolves of the Ilżecka Forest, the Siekierzyńskie Forest, as well as the Małomierzycki Forest.
Trichuris vulpis is a nematode – a parasite of the digestive tract in canids. The animal becomes infected with it by eating the eggs (there are no intermediate hosts). Adult parasites reside in the large intestine, where by irritating the mucosa they cause inflammation. Trichuriasis infection is very often asymptomatic, but with massive infestations diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia and stunting can occur.
Below is a photo of Trichuris eggs in the feces of a wolf from the Siekierzyńskie Forest.
Author: Marcin Mandziak