10. June 2021In Wolf protection, Wolf Scyzor
Scyzor - next wolf with a telemetry collar from the Świętokrzyska Primeval Forest
On May 24, a team of biologists from the SAVE Wildlife Conservation Fund caught the third wolf. This time it is a 2-year-old male. He weighed 34 kg and was in good shape. The wolf has a small malocclusion, and that is why we named him Scyzor. We provided the wolf with a collar with a GPS/GSM locator and a radio transmitter. After few days, Scyzor joined his family in the Świętokrzyska Forest. Telemetry locations indicate that Scyzor actively participates in raising the pups of this family.
Text: Roman Gula and Artur Milanowski, Photos: Jacek Major