Winter tracking east of S7
Every winter, we look forward to snowfalls that would allow us to track wolves. January 2021 turned out to be favorable, and the snow cover allowed us to go out into the field. We tracked wolves in various parts of the Świętokrzyskie Province, and I was responsible for the area east of the S7 expressway, between Skarżysko and Starachowice. During the tracking, I was able to confirm the existence of 4 wolf families in this area. The number of individuals was similar to what we observed last year. In the Iłżecka Forest, I recorded 8 wolves, five in the Lipie complex, five as well in the Siekierczyńskie Forest, and four in the forests located east of Szydłowiec (Kierz Niedźwiedzi complex). During the tracking, I was able to confirm a heat in females from families from the Iłżecka Forest and the Lipie complex. We hope that the weather conditions will make it possible to continue tracking and complete the information about the families, which we monitor.
Jacek Major
Reportage from wolf tracking