Geralt of the Hog Lake (Wieprzowe Jezioro)
Will the wolf from Świętokrzyskie settle in Roztocze?
After a renewed stay in Ukraine, the wolf Geralt has returned to the Tomaszów Lubelski area. His locations over the past few days indicate that he has taken a break in his eastward migration. He is penetrating the surrounding forests and hunting in the vicinity of a village with the original name of Wieprzowe Jezioro (Hog Lake). It is near the place where the sources of the Wieprz River flow out.
Most likely, it will soon become clear whether Wieprzowe Jezioro is just a temporary stop or the definitive end of the wolf’s migration from the Świętokrzyska Forest. We know that there are a lot of wolves in the Roztocze, and the strong wolf Geralt should be an attractive partner for the wolves there. What we’re not sure of, however, is whether there is still room for a new wolf family in the area.
* Geralt is an approximately 3-year-old wolf in migration (dispersal), wearing a GPS collar indicating his location to us.
Author: Roman Gula