3. November 2021In Wolf protection, Poland

Wolves are still present in the Lagow Forestry
Foresters from Lagow Forestry shared with us photos from a photo trap, which registered the presence of 4 wolves in the Lukawa forestry area. In this region, we have been conducting constant wolf monitoring since 2018. The photos are from October 4, 2021.
The material was recorded near the place where wolves were breeding in the Daleszyckie Forest area in 2019.
It is highly likely that the photographed individuals belong to the Daleszyckie Forest wolf family we monitor, which included 8 wolves in fall 2019 and 5 individuals in spring 2020 (notes of: 30 September 2019, 2 December 2019 and 25 April 2020, and 6 July 2020).
Tomasz Bracik