Pups in the Iłżecka Forest and the Lipie forest complex
As every year, in the summer, we try to determine whether the wolves breed in the Iłżecka Forest and the Lipie forest complex. In the Iłżecka Forest, the wolves responded to my howl on July 27th. Four adults and three pups howled. Two pups were observed on one of the forest roads on August 3rd. I also noted wolf tracks and scats many times, and several times I managed to record wolves on a photo-trap. The family from the Iłżecka Forest has been breeding regularly for many years and we manage to confirm this every year.
In the Lipie forest complex (the area from the DK 9 road west to Skarżysko Kamienna), foresters observed the presence of two pups. Unfortunately, on July 11th, one of the youngsters died as a result of a collision with a car on the DW744 road leading to Tychów (we wrote about this note on July 15th, 2020). So far, we have not been able to confirm if there were more than two pups and if any of them survived. Unfortunately, the area occupied by this family is intersected by two roads with quite large traffic – the aforementioned DW744 and the Wąchock-Mirzec road. Also, in this forest complex, we recorded adult wolves in photo-trap several times, and we recorded tracks and scats of wolves many times.
Jacek Major