Wolves in the Swietokrzyskie Region – report no. 9
Our report ‘Wolves in the Swietokrzyskie region’ is now available! It covers 2 reproductive seasons from 01/04/2019 to 31/10/2020 in 11 forest complexes on the border of the Mazowieckie and Swietokrzyskie provinces.
We have prepared a short summary for you:
– Snowless winter 2019/20 made it impossible to carry out systematic wolf tracking and estimate the number of wolves in winter. Nevertheless, we noted tracks and scats of wolves and recorded wolves in photo-traps.
– In the summer of 2019, we documented the reproduction of wolves in 3 forest complexes (the Świętokrzyska Forest, the Iłżecka Forest and the Daleszyce Forests). In the summer of 2020, we documented the reproduction of 5 families in the Świętokrzyska Forest, Iłżecka Forest, Lipie Complex, Przysuskie Forests and in the forests to the north-east of Iłża.
– In 2020, we caught the first wolf in the region and started telemetry monitoring of the population.
– 5 people participated in the monitoring. In total, we spent around 200 days in the field.
– As part of education, last year, we published 47 notes illustrated with photos, drawings, and video materials on the WILKnet website. Katarzyna Bojarska conducted 4 lectures. We published 2 scientific articles and 2 popular science publications.
More information in the report – enjoy the read!