12. April 2021|In Wolf protection, Wolf monitoring

Winter tracking of wolves in the Świętokrzyskie region

The snow conditions last winter were favorable for wolf tracking. The five-people team of the SAVE Fund conducted tracking in 11 forest complexes. We also obtained information from the forest districts of Radom RDLP and Świętokrzyski National Park. As every year, we assumed that the number of wolves in a given forest complex is equal to the largest group of wolves that we were able to record during tracking or with the help of photo traps. This is, therefore, a conservative estimate because the wolf family does not always wander together.
We counted 55 wolves in the whole monitored area. As in the previous years, we recorded the largest families consisting of at least 8 wolves in the Świętokrzyska Forest and the Iłżecka Forest. Good snow conditions allowed us to determine that the family’s territory from the Czarna Konecka valley also includes the nearby Kołomańskie Hills. In 5 families, we established the presence of females during heat, thanks to the characteristic bloodstains they left on the snow. You can follow the details of the counting results on the map.