Augustowskie wilki

Wolves from Augustowska Forest

24. April 2023| Poland, Wolf protection, MoviesWolves from Augustowska Forest Wolves from the Augustów area recorded on our photo trap. In appearance, perhaps a little different from the…

Wiosna w Puszczy Świętokrzyskiej

Spring in the Świętokrzyska Forest!

22. April 2023| Wolf protection, Scientific research about wolves, PolandSpring in the Świętokrzyska Forest! We are still continuing counts of forest ungulates until mid-May as part of our wolf diet research project.……


"Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence" conference

8. April 2023| Species protection, Wolf protection, SAVE, Wildlife conservation"Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence" conference in Oxford, UK HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT & COEXISTENCE CONFERENCE – Oxford 30.03.-1.04.2023……