Gagat did not pass over A4, but... under!
13. January 2023| Wolf protection, Poland, Wolf GagatGagat did not pass over A4, but... under! A few days ago we had the opportunity to check how Gagat managed to overcome the A4 motorway. We went to the Opolskie Voivodeship and followed…
Gagat's visit to Prague, Czech Republic
3. January 2023| Wolf Gagat, Poland, Wolf protectionGagat's visit to Prague, Czech Republic The Polish wolf from the Świętokrzyska Forest continues its journey through the Czech Republic.…
Gagat the wolf has crossed the A4!
15. December 2022| Wolf protection, Poland, Wolf GagatGagat the wolf has crossed the A4! After several weeks of arduous search for passage, Gagat managed to cross the A4 highway! Gagat…
Gagat wolf blocked by A4 freeway
3. December 2022| Wolf protection, Poland, Wolf GagatGagat wolf blocked by A4 freeway After crossing the A1 highway, Gagat the wolf continued in a southwesterly direction. After a few days,…