Lekcja o wilkach - Kielce

A lesson on wolves at the Rej School in Kielce

23. November 2022| E4C - Education for Conservation, Wolf protection, Educational meetings, PolandA lesson on wolves at the Rej School in Kielce On November 22, Roman Gula, head of our wolf project, conducted two lessons on wolves and…

Spotkanie o wilkach w domu kultury

Meeting for children in the "Zameczek"

19. November 2022| E4C - Education for Conservation, Educational meetings, PolandMeeting for children in the "Zameczek" On November 18, we held a meeting about wolves at the “Zameczek” (“Castle”) community center in…

Lekcja o wilkach w szkole

A lesson on wolves at a school in Kielce

19. November 2022| E4C - Education for Conservation, Educational work, Wolf monitoring, PolandA lesson on wolves at a school in Kielce Last Friday, 18.11. we visited Kielce Elementary School No. 1.…