wilk Gagat

Gagat - the fifth element

20. April 2022| Poland, Wolf protection, Wolf GagatGagat - the fifth element On Sunday, April 10, we were able to capture our fifth wolf in the Swietokrzyskie Forest. As in November, a…

wolf track

Geralt's wandering anxiety

15. April 2022| Wolf protection, Wolf GeraltGeralt's wandering anxiety Geralt, a young wolf caught by our team in November 2021 in the Świętokrzyska Forest, left the forest just a few weeks after being caught and fitted with a telemetry…

Wilk Geralt

Wolf Geralt

30. November 2021In Wolf protection, Wolf monitoring, Poland, Wolf GeraltWolf GeraltOn 16th of November, we managed to catch a fourth wolf in the Swietokrzyskie Forest.  The wolf Geralt is a…