Mapa występowania wilczycy Jagi

Jaga didn’t manage

20. February 2020|In Wolf protection

Jaga didn’t manage

On February 13, we found a dead young she-wolf, Jaga, which was caught and provided with a transmitter on January 12. During this period, the she-wolf was wandering on the area of about 80 km2, in the northern part of the Świętokrzyska Forest, in the Suchedniów Forest District. Due to the lack of snow cover, we were unsure whether the she-wolf was alone or roamed with the wolves of the family living in the forest. On two occasions, we found scats near her location, the size of which indicated it was not Yaga’s. In one case, near the location of Jaga, we found traces of three wolves imprinted in the snow, but the conditions made it impossible to track wolves on a longer distance. Since February 4, the she-wolf stopped moving in a large area and remained in a small area of the Świnia Góra forestry. Concerned by this fact, we entered this place on February 9th. We saw her running away from the lair under the spruce trees. However, she did not go far. On January 13, we found her dead about 500 meters from this lair.
A closer inspection revealed that Jaga was about 12 months old. At the time of catch, she weighed little, 20.2 kg, and at post-mortem inspection only 15.3 kg. The digestive tract was filled with boar hair. She had no gunshot wounds or other bodily injuries indicative of an unnatural cause of death. The likely cause of death was extreme starvation.

Roman Gula

Wolf in a forest

Damages caused by wolves in Podkarpacie in 2019

During the second half of 2019 (July 1 – December 31), there were 131 wolf attacks on farm and domestic animals. This is a 6.5% increase compared to the second half of 2018, when there were 123 attacks, and a decrease by 15.3% compared to the first half of 2017. Wolves attacked most often sheep (80), then cattle (22), horses (12), dogs (9), goats (7), and once fallow deer and farm deer.
In total, 185 attacks took place in the entire year 2019, which means a 4.5% increase in the number of attacks compared to 2018 (177), and an increase by 22.5% compared to 2017 (151). In addition, in 2019, there was damage involving the breaking of the fence panel of the built-up plot by wolves biting each other, which, in addition to tracks and traces of blood, was confirmed by house monitoring and DNA testing of blood found at the scene. This event took place on January 28, 2019.

Hubert Fedyń, RDOŚ in Rzeszów

Jaga - the first wolf with a transmitter in Świętokrzyskie Province

19. January 2020|In Wolf protection

Jaga - the first wolf with a transmitter in Świętokrzyskie Province

After two weeks of waiting, on Sunday, January 12, we managed to catch the first wolf in the Świętokrzyskie region. Jaga is about 9 months old and belongs to a family living in the Świętokrzyska Forest. It is a family whose reproduction was confirmed for the first time in 2006. We hope that thanks to the transmitter Jaga is wearing now, we will be able to get to know the territory of this family better.

Roman Gula