Wilk Gagat w Sudetach

Vlk Gagat returned to the Sudetes

8. March 2023| Wolf protection, Wolf GagatVlk Gagat returned to the Sudetes After two months in the Žďárské vrchy, Gagat returned to the Sudetes. As we wrote previously, the tracks of our…

Menu wilka Gagata

Menu of vlk Gagat in the Czech Republic

4. March 2023| Poland, Wolf protection, Wolf GagatMenu of vlk Gagat in the Czech Republic Two months ago, Gagat reached the Ždiar Mountains in central Bohemia and apparently decided to stay there for longer.…

Hnutí DUHA Šelmy

Polish-Czech wolf. Collaboration with Hnutí DUHA Šelmy

25. February 2023| Wolf Gagat, Poland, Wolf protectionPolish-Czech wolf. Collaboration with Hnutí DUHA Šelmy Cooperation with a Czech organization dealing with the protection of large predators.……


Wolf Gagat visits the Czech Republic

11. January 2023| Wolf protection, Poland, Wolf GagatWolf Gagat visits the Czech Republic After leaving Prague, Gagat turned east. He walked along the large road E67 for some time, but decided not to cross it and rather quickly changed…

Wilk Gagat w Pradze

Gagat's visit to Prague, Czech Republic

3. January 2023| Wolf Gagat, Poland, Wolf protectionGagat's visit to Prague, Czech Republic The Polish wolf from the Świętokrzyska Forest continues its journey through the Czech Republic.…