Wilk Geralt na Ukrainie - mapka

Geralt the wolf has crossed the border into Ukraine

25. October 2022| Wolf Geralt, Poland, Wolf protectionGeralt the wolf has crossed the border into Ukraine After a brief stay in the Janowskie Forests and Roztocze, Geralt crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border.…

Geralt has reached Janowskie Forest

21. October 2022| Wolf protection, Wolf Geralt, PolandGeralt has reached Janowskie Forest Geralt the wanderer, a wolf in the process of dispersal whose steps we track thanks to a GPS collar, has already reached the Janowskie Forest in…

Wolf Geralt crosses the Vistula river!

20. October 2022| Poland, Wolf Geralt, Wolf monitoring Wolf Geralt crosses the Vistula river! Geralt managed to cross Poland’s largest river during his journey east! In the course of…

Wilcze warsztaty

On the track of Geralt - September's "Wolf Workshop"

27. September 2022| Poland, Movies, Wolf workshop, Wolf protectionOn the track of Geralt - September's "Wolf Workshop" On September 23, we organized another field workshop for friends of our Foundation and journalists interested in wolf…

Wolf Geralt

Wolf Geralt in the national park?

7. August 2022| Wolf Geralt, Poland, Wolf protectionWolf Geralt in the national park? Geralt, a young wolf caught by us in the Świętokrzyska Forest in November 2021, is looking for a place for himself.…

Wilk Geralt

Has Geralt found his place..?

1. July 2022| Wolf Geralt, Poland, Wolf protectionHas Geralt found his place..? GPS data from Geralt’s collar suggests that this young wolf may have finally found a place to live! For…

wolf track

Geralt's wandering anxiety

15. April 2022| Wolf Geralt, Wolf protectionGeralt's wandering anxiety Geralt, a young wolf caught by our team in November 2021 in the Świętokrzyska Forest, left the forest just a few weeks after being caught and fitted with a telemetry…