Wilk w foto pułapce

How many wolves are left in Bartek and Scyzor's family?

9. September 2021In Poland, Wolf protection How many wolves are left in Bartek and Scyzor's family?   Bartek and Scyzor, the wolves we caught over the past year, come from a wolf family in the Swietokrzyskie Forest. Bartek left his family…

Wolf in Poland

What do Poles think about wolves?

20. July 2021|In Scientific research about wolves, Wolf protection What do Poles think about wolves?The history of human and wolf coexistence can be described as alternating extermination and recovery of wolf populations. Currently, since…

Busy Bartek

13. May 2021|In Wolf Bartek, Wolf protection Busy BartekIn the note from February 14, we wrote that Bartek found a partner and that this she-wolf is in heat. Now we know that this couple has pups. Bartek – the sole ‘provider’ of the…

Winter tracking of wolves in the Świętokrzyskie region

12. April 2021|In Wolf protection, Wolf monitoring Winter tracking of wolves in the Świętokrzyskie regionThe snow conditions last winter were favorable for wolf tracking. The five-people team of the SAVE Fund conducted tracking in 11…

Attack on farm animals in Wola Łagowska

2. April 2021|In Wolf protection, Wolves and farm animals Attack on farm animals in Wola ŁagowskaOn March 30, 2021, we received information from the Łagów Forest District about a potential wolves’ attack on farm animals (fallow deer and…

Wolf in a photo trap

Parents from the Ilzecka Forest

11. March 2021|In Wolf protection Parents from the Ilzecka ForestThis year’s winter allowed me to quite accurately count the wolves in the Ilzecka Forest. I wrote about the tracking results in my notes on 10th and 15th February.…

The next wolf died on the road

2. March 2021|In Wolf protection The next wolf died on the roadWolves in the Augustów Primeval Forest change the ranges of their territories. Last year’s winter was stinting on snow, so tracking became impossible. We assessed the…

Wolf in a photo trap

Wolf's Way

15. February 2021|In Wolf monitoring, Wolf protection Wolf's wayAs I wrote in the note from February 10, after the snowfall, I managed to track 8 wolves in the Iłżecka Forest. During this tracking, I found signs of heat in one of the…

WoolfBartek area

Wolf Valentine's Day

14. February 2021|In Wolf protection, Wolf Bartek Wolf Valentine's DayBartek, the wolf that we caught and provided with a telemetry collar at the end of November last year, settled in the Niekłańsko-Bliżyńskie forests. For some time,…

Forest in wintertime

Winter tracking east of S7

10. February 2021|In Wolf protection, Wolf monitoring Winter tracking east of S7Every winter, we look forward to snowfalls that would allow us to track wolves. January 2021 turned out to be favorable, and the snow cover allowed us to go…